Saturday 22 September 2012

Squid at the end of time

From the final issue of iZombie by Chris Roberson and Mike Allred. Gwen Dylan the grave digging zombie confronts an inter-dimensional squid monster with a ravenous appetite for souls. Mike Allred was the perfect choice of artist to depict her journey to the heavens, from the whacky town of Eugene, Oregon, where a colourful cast of characters multiplied over the 28 issue run of this comic. A were-terrier, a 1960s ghost, a band of paint balling vampires, monster hunters, an ancient Egyptian mummy etc. At times the fun became a bit too silly, but the art was always strong and Gwen was a strong lead who, if given the right story line, could have seen out her days in Eugene reflecting on the life she had left behind, eating brains and flashing on the memories of the recently deceased.

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