It isn't even February yet, but in a still moment on a mild day, when the cracks appear above us and the clouds tear themselves apart, a gentle warmth releases the scent of Viburnum and Wintersweet into the air, and already beneath our feet the pale time lapse shoots of Spring are pushing upwards towards the light. Spays of Viburnum 'Tinus' lift the spirits even in the rain, Great tits have been singing their hearts out for a few weeks now, and in the last week or so the Coal tits have been beaming out their cheerful song from high exposed perches in the mature conifers.
Swallowed by the low amber brilliance that embalms every branch, feather and building come 3pm on a clear January day, clouds of busy gnats dance above the lawns. Scattered crowds of nodding Snowdrops are just beginning to freshen up the unmade ground and even the mornings are getting lighter. I can't wait to change my route to work, taking my bike along the river instead of the busy road, past the houseboats chuffing woodsmoke through the water break and the Willow leaves, my 'ding dong' bell singing joyfully along to the rhythmic swish of the rowers blades.
It may be an early call, call it late winter desperation, but I say bring on Spring!
I've just had a text from my fiddle playing mate, Jessy. It looks like she may have managed to rustle up some extra musicians for our 'Compost Man' event, and there is a large stack of dried Aster stems drying in the tool shed which we will tie together for the fire. Tickety boo!, makes me want to share this video with you.
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